Our team of chiropractors is energetic and passionate about health and sports.

Our chiropractors are continuously attending training sessions in the musculoskeletal health and sports fields. They’ll offer you treatments and exercises and advice; allowing you to return to your activities as quickly as possible.

Chiro since: 2008

Having once been a wakeboard and snowboard athlete, my sports injuries allowed me to discover the CHIROPRACTIC profession. As a result I’m as passionate about my profession as about the sports I practice. In 2007 I purchased the Clinique Chiropratique St-Sauveur- just one year before completing my Doctor of Chiropractic Degree. I chose Saint-Sauveur because of its’ close proximity to…

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Chiro since: 2006

Even though I’m a father of four, I always find time in my schedule for running! I’ve also been very involved in the local running community for several years. I place a lot of importance in being able to balance my professional, family and athletic life in order to stay healthy. I joined the team at Clinique Chiropratique St-Sauveur in…

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Chiro since: 2014

When you’re a «true» skier from Halifax, Nova Scotia, it’s difficult to stay in Halifax. Fortunately the Laurentians welcomed me with open arms, with lots of different activities and ways to move! Whether it’s thanks to my pursuit and passion for coaching alpine skiing, my annual participation in Ironman events at Mont-Tremblant or golfing amongst friends, this is the perfect…

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Chiro since: 2022

Au cours de mon internat à la clinique universitaire de chiropratique de l’UQTR, j’ai développé un intérêt envers la prise en charge de la douleur lombaire et sciatique dans un contexte de soin conservateur. Mon implication dans le domaine des sciences cliniques m’a permis de développer la rigueur nécessaire pour offrir un encadrement structuré et orienté vers la récupération des…

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The chiropractor

The chiropractor is a partner with you in the recovery and maintenance of your neuromusculoskeletal health (in other words nerve, muscle and joint function). They are trained to give you the best advice in order to optimize your health and prevent relapse or pain associated with a poorly functioning spinal column or other joints.

Did you know?

To become a Chiropractor you must obtain an undergraduate Doctor of Chiropractic Degree: 5 years of full time university including:

  • 245 credits over 11 sessions
  • 18 months in clinical internship

The chiropractor can use the title of Doctor of Chiropractic. This title implies that the chiropractor has the competences and the right to:

  • Make a diagnosis
  • Determine the indication or non-indication of chiropractic treatments
  • Create an appropriate chiropractic treatment plan
  • Make a prognosis
  • Recommend other health professionals and work with them when necessary

The chiropractor is also a primary health care worker, which means that no medical referral is necessary for a consultation.

Chiropractic treatments can help with the following injuries and health conditions:

  • Headaches, migraines and dizziness
  • Stiff neck and torticolis
  • Pain between the shoulder blades
  • Intercostal pain (rib, rib cage, and sternum)
  • Lower back and sciatic pain
  • Slipped disc , degenerative disc disease , acute disc herniation
  • Arm and leg pain
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome
  • Neuralgia and numbness
  • Capsulitis, bursitis, tendinitis, tennis elbow
  • Joint pain, arthritis, osteoarthritis
  • Ankle pain
  • Knee pain
  • Shoulder pain
  • Wrist pain
  • Planter fasciitis
  • Trigger finger
  • Periostitis
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Injury associated with repetitive movements (at a computer)
  • Sports injuries
  • Problems with posture and scoliosis

See all injuries and conditions that can be treated

The sports chiropractor

  • They have advanced knowledge of the mechanics of sports injury and the treatments necessary for athletes.
  • They encourage cross-industry relationships with other healthcare sports professionals.
  • They take charge of an athlete’s musculoskeletal health or anyone wishing to get back into physical activities.
  • They meet the admission criteria for the Conseil Chiropratique des Sciences du Sport du Québec (CCSSQ).

#kinesiotaping #tapingneuroproprioceptif #balanceboard #chirostsauveur

The tools used by the sports chiropractors at the Clinique Chiropratique St-Sauveur

The techniques used and the acquired knowledge from numerous university level training sessions and other additional courses allow us to offer you first class care!

  • Chiropractic adjustments QUIZ QUESTION: What’s CRACK?
  • Active Release Techniques
  • Graston Techniques
  • Bandage/taping: dynamic taping, biomechanical taping, conventional taping
  • Fascial manipulation
  • Functional and Kinetic Treatment with Rehab (FAKTR)
  • Fascial Distortion Model
  • Trigger points
  • Ultrasound
  • Electrotherapy
  • Cryotherapy
  • Therapeutic exercises
  • Complementary therapies: ice, heat, clay poultice
  • Running analysis
  • Re-education exercises
  • General advice
  • Periodic re-evaluation

#grastontechniques #faktr #chirostsauveur

Athlete testamonials


Throughout my 9-year career, Andréanne Éthier Chiasson is one of the most competent health professionals that I’ve come across. The passion that she has for her profession pushes her to constantly evolve and perfect her practice. Her unique skills and dedication make her an essential person in my journey as a professional triathlete.

Ever since we started working together, Andréanne has helped me avoid several injuries and maintain a regular training schedule. Because of this, I’ve been able to approach competitions at the top of my game and have experienced success. We’re very lucky to have a professional of her caliber here in the Laurentians.


Magali Tisseyre , Triathlete (Ironman 70.3, Ironman)

“I love coming to see Dr Andréanne Ethier Chiasson when I train in Ste-Agathe. Her professionalism, expertise as well as immense knowledge make her one of the best therapists that I’ve had the pleasure of working with. Believe me, I’ve seen several therapists in my career as a professional athlete and she’s simply excellent!!”


Kim Lamarre

Merci à Andréanne d’avoir été présente dans mes débuts et continuer de prendre si bien soin de moi! Tes bons traitements, ton souci du bien-être, ton professionnalisme et ta grande expertise font de toi une chiro hors-pair! Merci de croire en moi et de me suivre dans ma grande aventure olympique!

Elizabeth Hosking , Athlète Olympique de Halfpipe - snowboard

As an athlete you need to surround yourself well with others. Andréanne is a part of my success. To be amongst the best you need to surround yourself with the best!! Thank you Andréanne for your continual support and your amazing treatments!!

Laurie Blouin

Having competed across the world as a former professional snowboard athlete, I’ve experienced my share of serious injuries. I’ve been retired for over 10 years now. For the last 7 years I’ve been practicing CrossFit and compete in several local competitions. I love testing my body’s limits. Thanks a million Dr Andréanne Éthier Chiasson for always getting me back on my feet!

Renaud Belisle , CrossFit athlete

See all testimonies

The clinic

#chirostsauveur #cssl

The CLINIQUE CHIROPRATIQUE ST-SAUVEUR is located in the same building as the Clinique Sport Santé Laurentides.

No need to come running to see us! We have an accessible parking lot behind the clinic. After your treatment, we’ll be happy to see you leave running!