Relief care

Relief care is intensive care (2-3 times a week). It aims to eliminate the symptomatic problem and reduce the risk of recurrence in the short term.
- Ease the pain
- Decrease swelling and inflammation
- Improve range of motion
- Analogy with an iceberg: we shave the tip of the iceberg
Correctional care

This care is intended not only to relieve the patient, but also to correct the problem and prevent it from returning. This step occurs following relief care and treatments are less frequent (once a week or once every 2 weeks).
- Restore functions
- Improve strength and stability
- Promote healing
- Improve patient accountability in taking charge of their health.
- Analogy with an iceberg: we uproot the iceberg
Maintenance care

This care is intended to ensure that the re-established functions acquired during corrective care will be maintained. Since the body suffers a multitude of physical and emotional stress daily, periodic screening is required to promote a healthy lifestyle. This step follows relief and correctional care. Maintenance care treatments are less frequent (once a month to once a year).
- Promote the patient’s well-being
- Educate the patient
- Maintain an optimal state of health
- Minimize the risk of recurrence